Fife Pupil Support Service

Fife Pupil Support Service



               Wendy McKay ( Principal Teacher)    

Lynsey Scott (Teacher)          

Angela Stewart (Teacher)    


Caroline Parkinson ( PSA)      

Joyce Laird (PSA)        Corrie Murphy (PSA)  



The Centre      

Dysart PSS is based within Dysart Primary School. Pupils come here who are having some tricky times in their school so that we can help them with strategies and other ways to cope with these.  There are 2 classrooms that pupils work in with a Teacher and PSA staff.



The School Day

Our morning sessions run from 9.15-12.30. Pupils will have lunch here before they leave.

The afternoon sessions are 1.15-2.45pm. 

These sessions can include Outdoor learning, Swimming, Cooking skills, Science, Technology, Art and other core subjects. The staff will let Parents and Carers know what days these things happen so that pupils can be prepared. We have lots of waterproofs and wellies but pupils are welcome to bring their own if preferred.

Our morning sessions focus on Numeracy and Literacy and for the afternoons it is Health & Wellbeing as the main focus. 


Morning Session (Monday-Friday)

9.15am-9.30am: Welcome breakfast and soft start

9.30am-10.50: Learning time

10.50-11.10: Break time

11.10-12.10: Learning time

12.10-12.30pm: Lunch time

12.30pm: Taxi

Afternoon Session (Monday-Thursday)

1.15-1.30: Welcome & chat

1.30-2.45pm: Learning time

2.45pm: Taxi 

The pictures below are some examples of the leaning that takes place: