Fife Pupil Support Service

Fife Pupil Support Service


Meet the team...

Kennoway Staff (ID 1289)

The Centre

PSS Kennoway is based within Kennoway Primary School. We support pupils who are finding things a bit tricky in their mainstream schools.

We work together with pupils, their parents or carers and other adults to help put strategies in place to make things a bit easier.


The school day

The morning session runs from 9.15am - 12.30pm  and the afternoon session runs from 1.20pm to 2.45pm. Please have a look at our daily routines for both sessions below:

Morning Session (Monday-Friday)

9.15am-9.30am: Welcome breakfast & morning meeting

9.30am-10.45am: Learning time

10.45am-11.00am: Break time

11.00am-12.00pm: Learning time

12.00pm-12.30pm: Lunch time

12.30pm: Taxi

Afternoon Session (Monday-Thursday)

1.20pm-1.35pm: Welcome & meeting

1.35pm-2.45pm: Learning time

2.45pm: Taxi


Outdoor Ed 

At Kennoway we don’t just learn in the classroom.  On Tuesday mornings we go on Outdoor Ed. During Outdoor Learning sessions we spend time exploring the local environment. Don’t worry we provide the waterproofs and wellies.



On Tuesday afternoons and Friday mornings we go swimming. We learn about water safety, as well as learning all the different swimming strokes. Swimming exercises your body from head to toe and is a great life skill to have. 






Follow The Yellow Brick Road...

This term our topic is 'The Wizard of Oz.'

So far we have covered farm life, stranger danger, tornadoes, how to look after a dog, how bricks are made and used and fortune telling.