Fife Pupil Support Service

Fife Pupil Support Service

The Bridges Centre


Shonagh Black (Principal Teacher)

Lorraine McIntosh (Principal Teacher 1)

Murray Thomson (Teacher)

Morag McManus (Teacher)

Sheonagh Henderson (Teacher) 

Cecilie McMullan (Teacher)

Jayne Smith (Teacher)

Ryan Nicol (Teacher)

Sam Noble (Teacher)

Karine Lindsay (Teacher) 

Ellie McGregor (PSA)

Catherine Duncan (PSA)

Andrew Grant (PSA) 

Grace Summers (Admin)


 The Centre

The Bridges Centre


The Classrooms

The Classrooms


The school day

You will attend the morning session 09:00am - 11:30am or the afternoon session 12:15pm - 2:45pm.

We start every session in the dining room. You will be offered toast and tea in the morning and Lunch in the afternoon.


Kitchen       Dining Room



You go to class for three periods, all 45 minutes long.

Morning session:

Classes: 9am - 11:15 am

Lunch: 11:15 - 11:30am


Afternoon session:

Lunch: 12:15pm - 12:30 pm

Classes: 12:30 pm - 2:45 pm



Subjects we offer:



Social Subject

Art & Design


Home Economics



Wider Achievement: Princes Trust, Employability, ICT, Bike Maintenance and more.


Other Opportunities

Pupil Voice: Pupils can add notes to our pupils Voice mailboxes (there's one in every classroom) if they have any suggestions, questions or anything else they want to discuss.


Bridges Rewards Scheme: We have a reward scheme built around the 4 Capacities. Pupils will get a reward of their choice once they have reached their goal.

Reward Scheme Display


Developing the young workforce: Every term we have visitors from the employment sector coming in to speak to us about what they do. We also go for work place visits and there are opportunities to go on work placements.

Developing the Young Workforce Logo

Electives: In progress...



We also have a Quiet Room available for pupils when they need a 'time out'.



Who can you ask for help

Mentor Teacher: You will get to know your mentor teacher well. He or she will track your progress and meet with you weekly to check in and make sure you are ok. You can ask to speak to your mentor teacher whenever you want.


Class teachers, Pupil Support Assistants, Office Staff and Janitors: You will soon get to know the various members of staff. They are here to help and will be pleased to answer any of your questions.


Pupils:  Other pupils in Pupil Support can also be helpful.